WS42 VoD – Value-oriented Design of Internet-based Services

Towards an Integration of Technology and Values

Internet-based services are increasingly important for our society. We consume them on a daily basis for many different purposes, comprising chat applications, social networks, shopping, entertainment and many more. With the Internet of Things and advanced applications such as smart cities and smart home we are expecting huge potential benefits for a more sustainable society at large, covering the economical, ecological and social dimensions.

However, the provisioning of Internet-based services currently comes with conflicting interests between the different stakeholder groups of providers, consumers and governance actors. It is becoming increasingly important to recognize that any IT design should be “value-oriented”. A prominent example of such a conflict is using consumer data as the “currency” for the consumption of Internet-based services, e.g. delivered via mobile apps. Resulting conflicts between consumers and providers occur frequently, as personal data is delivered to the provider and, thus, compromises the privacy of the consumer. However, mostly the consumer is left without any choice and, in this sense, self-determination of the individual consumer is limited. Governance actors typically have a different view which is heavily motivated through societal values, such as human rights and constitutional law or regulations and policy instruments. They can also help finding a balance in the case of interest conflicts between providers and consumers.

This interdisciplinary workshop provides a discussion forum for researchers, developers, and managers from different disciplines. Submissions are invited that address the broad spectrum of design aspects, methods, and techniques for value-oriented Internet-based services and applications.


Kurt Geihs, Universität Kassel
Hannes Hartenstein, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Alexander Mädche, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Martina Zitterbart, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)